No te vayas, Seth

Seth Godin quiere renunciar. Y no lo culpo.

Después del afamado/infame Super Sunday, en el que grandes marcas estrenan anuncios que se pasan antes, durante y después del Super Bowl, Seth ve lo que hizo GM y llora:

«I quit.

After watching GM run a 2 million dollar commercial that consists of a robot getting fired, walking the streets and then committing suicide, I’m so confused, so clueless and yes, so ashamed to be even peripherally involved in this line of work, I have no choice but to quit.

If your company was breaking records (in losing money) and was so adversely affecting the lives of thousands, why on earth would you run this ad?

I give up.»

Y no, esto no es una diatriba anti-publicitaria -recuerda que vivo de ella-, pero sí me gustaría mejorar un poco el ecosistema. Como proveedor de servicios, no impediría terminantemente que algún hipotético cliente se gaste sus $ 2,000,000.-, pero espero poder asesorarlo para que se los gaste mejor y que obtenga mejores retornos que la burla de una de las mentes más destacadas en marketing en esta década.

Seth, please don’t go

Godin hates the ad that GM ran during Super Bowl:

«I quit.

After watching GM run a 2 million dollar commercial that consists of a robot getting fired, walking the streets and then committing suicide, I’m so confused, so clueless and yes, so ashamed to be even peripherally involved in this line of work, I have no choice but to quit.

If your company was breaking records (in losing money) and was so adversely affecting the lives of thousands, why on earth would you run this ad?

I give up.»

I’m in advertising, so this isn’t an anti-advertising rant, but I sure hope there’s a chance to improve the ecosystem. As a service provider, I’d love to have a client capable of burning that pile of money, but I’ll do my bet to have ‘em spend it better, and with better results than the laughter/mockery of one of the most prominent minds in marketing.

2 thoughts on No te vayas, Seth

  1. No podría estar más de acuerdo, a GM le falta el tornillo que se le cayó al robot!



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