Felicidades, hoy es Blog Day. Supuestamente hoy los bloggers deberían disfrutar de un rato para conocer nuevos bloggers y conectarse entre sí. Excusas poco convincentes aparte, noblesse oblige.
Me enteré culpa de gapingvoid.
Hace poco descubrí HorsePigCow, y me gusta dónde trabaja esta chica, aunque al parecer me borró un comentario anti-PETA. Quizás me equivoqué / Maybe I did screw up. Hi Tara 🙂
B.L. Ochman también fue un buen hallazgo, mis condolencias por su perro Sam.
Un personaje legendario, que podría haberme parido, empezó su segunda vuelta.
Me sorprendí al mirar un poco los archivos y ver la antigüedad de los posts de Gustavo. Elogios por la persistencia (cuando lea más podré opinar sobre otras minucias).
Hoy es un día extremadamente raro, fin de una etapa para mí. Pásenlo bien.
Hi Tara, thanks for your comment/followup. You wrote about the Pam Anderson’s ads for PETA on Jeff Jarvis’ Buzzmachine. I commented about the misleading copy and -at least for me- hysterical PETA messages in general, resting value to the overall site image.
Maybe it was a ‘net hiccup, but I never saw the comment again.
Now on the rephrasing: when I say «aunque al parecer», it means «I believe» or «maybe». I really didn’t think you censored my comment.
…I don’t like PETA at all.
Hi again Tara. I tried to post a comment on your site, on the Pam Anderson post, and the comment disappeared.
I’m thinking I didn’t do it right, or the system got sudden hiccups. Don’t worry, whatever happened is far away by now. I’m enjoying your blog as I did on day one.
And for the Spanish course, I’m guessing you’ll have plenty of teachers nearby now.
I think Haloscan, who manages my trackbacks and comments is absolutely insane. Maybe you can try it again…anti-PETA? Funny…anti an anti organization. Is that POMO or what?
I am a meat eating, leather shoe wearing vintage fur coat lover myself. 😉
So, my comment disappeared from your site? Or from another site?
I totally have to take that ‘reading Spanish’ course…;)