Una nueva treta de spammers?

Acabo de recibir un par de comentarios con estos datos:

Alexqvub | princeconsort2006@hotmail.com | google.com | IP:

Hello, my name is Alex, i’m a newbie here. I really do like your resource and really interested in things you discuss here, also would like to enter your community, hope it is possible:-) Cya around, best regards, Alex!

Este blog -entre otras cuestiones antispam- requiere que yo revise y autorice personalmente el primer comentario que alguien realice. Una vez pasado ese «filtro», los lectores pueden comentar libremente.

Me parece que este Alex y su mensajito «amistoso» está buscando eso. El comentario pasó sin problemas por los filtros automatizados, y si se mezclara entre 20 o 30, probablemente pasaría manualmente también.

A la mierda, Alex.

New spam trend?

I’ve received a couple comments like this:

Alexqvub | princeconsort2006@hotmail.com | google.com | IP:

Hello, my name is Alex, i’m a newbie here. I really do like your resource and really interested in things you discuss here, also would like to enter your community, hope it is possible:-) Cya around, best regards, Alex!

As I validate manually the first comment before you can skip the moderation system altogether, I’m guessing this Alex guy wants to get past my watch to happily spam my blog.

Go to hell, Alex.