Performancing ofrecía un servicio de estadísticas para blogs (Performancing Metrics), operaban una red de publicidad en blogs asociados (Performancing Partners) y desarrollaron un editor de blogs / plugin para Firefox, que ahora se llama ScribeFire.
Cuando SplashPress Media compró la comunidad, los dos primeros servicios estaban desactivados, y ScribeFire no se transfirió. Uno de los comentarios de un miembro de la comunidad fue: «antes de los servicios y herramientas, Performancing era una comunidad rebosante de información. No pierdan eso, que es la raíz sobre la que creció esta comunidad».
Imagino que si ve el nivel de artículos que se están publicando hoy, se mataría de risa. Unas perlitas para disfrutar (y llorar un poquito):
Submitted by sockenchef on February 24, 2007 – 4:39pm
testtesttesttesttest test test test test test test test test test test
The Neo Underground
Submitted by bruddaboo on February 24, 2007 – 3:14pm
The Neo Underground
For this site will be a resource for those who Like to play in the world of NeoPets.
Snow in Richmond
Submitted by dsfong on February 24, 2007 – 10:32am
Snowing this morning. What’s a big event here! We are hardly seeing snow in Richmond. It seems that we brought back snow from Cypress mountain yesterday.
It was a nice day, cloudy but fine. The whole parking lots were congesting with cars.
Me da un poco de pena, entre estos posts-basura aparecen posts de Krug y otros, que pretenden mantener el nivel de la comunidad. Ahora, qué clase de valor provee esta comunidad? Si no filtran este contenido, o no logran despertar el sentimiento de pertenencia entre sus miembros como driver para generar contenido de calidad (en vez de aprovechar el pagerank para conseguir un poco de Google love). Al final, la blogósfera en conjunto es MUCHO mayor, y Google hace un mejor trabajo filtrando. jumping the shark
After the purchase of Performancing by SplashPress Media, Ahmed Bilal said: «The most important thing […] is the community«, SplashPress should keep it working and after that think about features and services.
Now the community is producing content like this:
Submitted by sockenchef on February 24, 2007 – 4:39pm
testtesttesttesttest test test test test test test test test test test
The Neo Underground
Submitted by bruddaboo on February 24, 2007 – 3:14pm
The Neo Underground
For this site will be a resource for those who Like to play in the world of NeoPets.
Snow in Richmond
Submitted by dsfong on February 24, 2007 – 10:32am
Snowing this morning. What’s a big event here! We are hardly seeing snow in Richmond. It seems that we brought back snow from Cypress mountain yesterday.
It was a nice day, cloudy but fine. The whole parking lots were congesting with cars.
I see posts by Krug et al while I sift through all this, but if I am who’s doing the filtering, what kind of value does this community add? Either filter the content, generate some sort of sense of belonging, so the members create quality content instead of taking advantage of the site’s pagerank. The whole blogosphere is way bigger and Google does a better job filtering what I want to read.